This is our Christmas card that I haven't sent out!
We hope your Christmas season was one of great joy for you and yours. We pray that during the 2008 year— the love of Christ will surround your heart and draw you ever closer to Him.
Here we are again . . . another year gone by. Each year brings new adventures (some are old and need to go away– I will share more later), laughter, joy, and tears! Here is a little snippet of what went on in our lives in 2007.
Kayla (11): Our baby girl is in the 6th grade! Kayla is doing wonderfully in school, she has a great group of “girls” she is friends with and is involved in several different things. She is in the Media club and enjoys taking photos for school functions as well as kindergarten class helper. Kayla played volleyball and flag football this year and had a blast doing both. She is growing into a young lady everyday before our eyes.
Jacob (9): Jacob is in the 4th grade and is STILL full of the stuff that makes boys go! He is like the energizer bunny—he just keeps on going. Jacob is always ready for the next event and is never too tired to play a game of baseball, basketball, football, you name it– if it has a “ball” in it– he is there! Jacob’s big accomplishment this year is that he didn’t get any stitches! He is a great big brother to Joseph and his tender heart shows more of itself every year.
Kayci (8): Our sweet baby girl is now in the 2nd grade. She continues to be “Daddy’s hairdresser” and is frequently giving him “coupons” for free massages. Kayci’s tender heart frequently shows through her love to write notes and draw pictures for loved ones. She has a creative mind and this year was a runner up for a drawing contest in her school. Kayci was diagnosed with dyslexia at the end of the last school year and is working hard at her reading this year. She is progressing well and we are thankful that the dyslexia was “caught” early.
Joseph (6): Joseph . . . our baby . . . went off to kindergarten this year. Yes, it was quite tramatic-for me-not him! He loves school and is doing great. Joseph’s obedient and sweet spirit has won over his kindergarten teacher and he comes home with free meals to Applebee’s at least once a month (as a reward for good behavior)! Joseph loves life--he is a thinker,hard worker, a hugger, and an encourager.
Mark & Jennifer: Drum roll please. . . Mark is . . . finished writing his dissertation! It was a LONG and HARD year but by the grace of God, he completed his writing and is now “waiting.” We are hopeful that he will hear from his committee sometime mid-January and that he will move on to his Oral defense by February 1st. Once he has completed his defense—it’s Dr. Yarbrough and he will take that 'final' (let's hope) walk across the stage in May!
Jennifer managed to stay alive (as did Mark) while Mark wrote 14 hours a day for 8 weeks and then many more late evenings throughout the semester! She continues to help things to run as smoothly as possible and is also working at our church several times a week.
We have so much to be grateful for. We don’t know what this year holds for the Yarbrough family . . . but we know Who holds us . . . and in that we find great comfort.
Many Blessings, The Yarbroughs