Yes, it has been a long time since I last wrote! What do you expect-- we have been busy. God is faithful and gracious!
Here is the scoop. Mark was given a 11 week "leave of absence" from both DTS and Centerpoint to specifically write his dissertation. Once we recieved the OK from both employers, he hit it hard and wrote 10-14 hours a day for 6-7 days a week. It was only by the grace of God that he was able to write that many hours a day. It was a difficult time for the whole family. I obviously was picking up the slack at home and the kids hung in there. But-- we made it (not always gracfully, though)! Mark actually finished "writing" three weeks early. He has since been working on editing ( a long and tedious process for over 300 pages) and various other appendices and stuff that has to be in there. He WILL turn in the final "draft" on July 16th. We could not have done this without the strength of our Lord, our extended family, church family, and friends. The kids were/are very supportive of this project and have consistantly prayed for their daddy--they are troopers!
Once the paper is turned in -- we wait. He will probably get the draft back from his committee sometime late August/early September. His oral defense is scheduled to happen before September 15th. If everything goes accordingly, he will turn in his final copy on December 1st. Then you can call him "Dr. Yarbrough." Until then, it is "Crazy Professor." Speaking of Dr., here is an interesting conversation between Kayci and Jill.
Jill: Where is your Daddy?
Kayci: He's at work getting some pages done.
Jill: What's he going to be when he gets done? Mister Yarbrough?
(Janet interjects and says he will be Dr. Yarbrough like her daddy is Dr. Dickens)
Jill: Dr. Daddy Dickens- I'll just call him Daddy
Kayci: Me TOO!
To them - they are still just their Daddy's!
The next time Mark approaches me about another degree . . . well we won't go there:)!
See that wasn't too hard! We LOVE LOVE THE updates, even though I know all the details, it's fun. I've checked your blog every day since you started one :)
Way to go Mark and family!! I love the blog!
April (Tanner) Solomon
I'm crackin' up! Too much good stuff in this one. Love the pic of Mark and Kayci. "Dr. Yarbrough" will be tough for me too. I have some good, ol' school pics that can knock him right back down to "Crazy Youth Minister" -- that's several notches under "Crazy Professor" :) Congrats to you both for making it through. Enjoyed the chat, Jenny. We should do it more often.
Congratulations! I was so touched to see how your whole family took on the project together as a team. Such support. It's rare. Jenny, you're a great role model in how you support Mark, thanks. Mark, great job! May God continue to multiply your efforts for His glory. And, the kids, well they're just awesome. You're a fabulous family. God bless.
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