Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Back In The Saddle Again

Yes, I have been lagging behind in updates. Well, that is what happens when all of your kids go to school-- no more spare time! What? Yep, that's what I said--no spare time. You know how you dream about all of the "spare" time and clossal projects (the ones that have been on your list since the first baby was born) that you will get done when the kids go to school(not to mention all of the scrapbooking I was determined to get caught up on) ---- it is all a big fat lie! I thought that you would want a heads up so you can quit dreaming about your spare time that is to come--that won't come.
What have I been up to? Baseball, Flag football (x2- Kayla is playing, too), church work (I am working at our church 2x's a week), grocery shopping, helping out friends, doctor's appointments, making 5 lunches a day, taking my car into the shop (for the 4th time--with the same problem), making dinner, cleaning (though my house is still filthy!), mowing 3 acres, planning birthday celebrations (Kayci turned 8 in September and Joseph turned 6 in October), and helping my husband survive and trying myself to survive a PhD! But-- life is good. God is good and I am happy to be busy for Him (though sometimes I do get overwhelmed).

The PhD update is: His dissertation is back and in his hands. He has some structural things that need to be adjusted. His next goal is to turn in this revised draft on or before Dec. 1st. He has to have his oral defense done by Feb 1st in order to graduate in May. So our prayer is that Mark will have the strength and clarity of mind to go really hard over the next several weeks while maintaining a family, full-time and part-time job, and whatever else life brings.
The kids are all doing great. We are thrilled with their teachers and are already seeing progress with Kayci in her reading (she was diagnosed with dyslexia at the end of last year).

FYI---Mark's mom had knee replacement surgery on Monday and is doing well.She will have lots of rehab over the next several weeks. We are thankful that everything is going well and pray for a complete recovery.


velvet said...

I know the date on this post does not say Sept 25! I've been here at least 10 times since then.

That is really bad news. I sometimes find myself fighting those thoughts about all the things I'll do when they're all in school. My mantra is "Enjoy the present because it will be gone tomorrow."

Great picture of the kids with Janet. Love her!

Heidi McKee said...

FINALLY----this should be priotity because we love keeping up with you. FYI velvet, she started writing it Sept. 25 (and never published it) Thanks for writing it....we want more ;)

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